Outdoor Gear Documents


Outdoor Gear

Outdoor Adventure Trip Gear Checklist 2024

This document contains essential gear and personal items needed for outdoor adventure trips. It offers recommendations based on the type of trip, such as hiking and canoeing. Follow this guide to ensure you're well-prepared for your next outdoor adventure.


Outdoor Gear

Trip Log Information for Outdoor Activities

This file provides guidelines for filling out trip logs for outdoor activities. It is essential for individuals applying for jobs in outdoor recreation. Organized trip logs enhance your application by showcasing your experience.


Outdoor Gear

Fly Fishing Merit Badge Workbook Instructions

This Fly Fishing Merit Badge Workbook is designed to assist Scouts in completing their fly fishing skills. It provides essential instructions and safety practices to follow during the activity. Use this workbook to track your progress and prepare for discussions with your counselor.


Outdoor Gear

Trex Decking and Railing Outdoor Living Guide

This file provides detailed insights into Trex® decking and railing products, offering outdoor home inspiration. It covers aesthetic, functional, and eco-friendly aspects. Ideal for homeowners and outdoor enthusiasts alike.


Outdoor Gear

Essentials for Adventure Protective Camouflage

This document outlines essential gear and instructions for adventure enthusiasts. It includes details on protective camouflage wraps, water treatment, and footwear care kits. Perfect for outdoor survivalists and tactical users.